Cambium Sustainable Newsletter - Winter 2023

Welcome to our winter edition!

We hope this will be an inspirational accompaniment to your cosy evening as the nights draw in. A lot changes over half a year, nature looks and feels wildly different compared to the last time we sent you our news, yet there is also a constancy... some new developments, some predictable features...

We invite you to read on to remain acquainted with what's going in the Cambium world.

Info for Managers looking to book staff onto Forest School training

If you’re thinking of doing Forest School training, there are some things that it would be helpful to know - and for your managers to know.

Here's Cambium's Level 4 Forest School Assessor - Laura Harvey with some great information to consider if you, or your staff are looking to carry out Forest School training.

Interesting info & podcasts

National Tree Week takes place Sat 25 Nov - Sun 3 Dec 2023.
National Tree Week is the UK’s largest annual tree celebration. Each year, the country’s conservation sector, volunteer groups and tree-lovers come together to plant thousands of trees to mark the start of the tree planting season.
Water. Therapy in nature. Here's another good listen with Radio 4's podcast series "An Almanac for Anxiety: In Search of a Calmer Mind" Episode 3. You can also listen to the rest of the series.
Forest Education Network England: Resources for Forest Education Professionals
See FENE's website for 8 training videos specifically created for forest education professionals Forest Schools.
Tying an overhand knot with our Director, Sam. See our YouTube channel (@cambiumsustainable) for more practical skills and subscribe to see our regular YouTube 'shorts'.

Outdoor Learning and Forest School Level 4 training

Our Outdoor Learning and Forest School Level 4 training took place recently and we are thrilled to hear such wonderful feedback from one of our learners:

"A massive thank you for this week and all your support. It has really fuelled my love for forest school and the outdoors and I definitely needed this. Also thank you for the amazing location, lunches and being so patient with our understanding and millions of questions. Looking forward to promoting Cambium and continuing helping to embed all the amazing work you all do in my area."

If you are looking to take part in our forest school level 4 training please get in touch with Sam, or if you want to join the Cambium Sustainable Associate Trainers' network, then we offer a quick-switch process which includes a full induction to Cambium’s approach, processes and support materials.

Cambium’s Associate Trainers - Forest School training across the UK

Our Associate Trainers deliver Forest School, Outdoor Learning and Coastal School training across the UK.

We regularly publish a handy quick map view of training locations. This map shows courses taking place during October 2023 - May 2024.

This list isn't exhaustive as training courses are added all the time by our trainers so please keep checking 👍

We hope you have an enjoyable end to 2023 and we look forward keeping you updated in the Spring.
In the meantime, you can keep up to date on our socials @cambiumsustainable (@cambiumsus Twitter/X).

blogSam Goddard